Thursday, April 3, 2014

Speak Faith-Apply Change

Day Four: Well God is Good and faithful. I was thinking in my spirit this morning about faith and being positive. Faith is not always speaking what we think, is positive or uplifting. Faith according to the Bible in Rom 10:17 says " So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." Actually, we could say that believing comes by hearing what has been taught by Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Here's the negative we don't like, but tend to make excuse for in our lives. We bury our heads in the sand like an Ostrich then act like there's no problem. We will not confront issues that are facing us, we just keep enabling ourselves or others, to keep doing what we have always done instead of changing. Oh yeah!! But if I say something, that will be negative. Is jumping up and down in the middle of the road, like a crazy person, trying to stop a car negative, if you know that the bridge is out and they will plunge 200ft to their death?? Oh! that person in the car is your child, family or friend; or maybe you're the one driving! We are not called to judge or condemn, but to speak the Word of LIFE that can change who ever believes and receives. So maybe the situation we are in, that we dislike and are unset about, is because we have not heard the Spirit and changed; but instead blamed everyone else. John 13:17 "If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them." Positively apply the blood and body of Christ to your life and be changed by the power of the Spirit. Father thank you for applying your Word and love to our lives that we may live, in your joy and abundant life, in Jesus name. Amen

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