Saturday, April 5, 2014

Walk the Talk

Day 6: God keeps his Word. I am so glad that God does not expect me to handle every situation in life by myself. Read Matt. 6. I mean I can't make a Lille, but I could try to help feed the sparrows. Trying to make myself taller and keep track of how many hairs I have is not in my ability. I did get up today and got ready, but God provided the oxygen and breath that I needed to do that. You see I can speak a lot of stuff and promise this or that, I can proclaim that I am able to accomplish my agenda for the day, but can you? Because the Only thing that is forever is God's Word. God can make a promise and keep it. I can say something, but it is only if God allows it and if it's his will. The reason that we fail and end up in messes is because we are out of God's will or timing, now we cannot walk our talk. Prov. 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. In Matt. 6:33 God said if we put him first then he would take care of our needs. So if your finding yourself in a place of lack and always struggling, you could be trying to walkout your word not God's Word. Father help us to remember that your Word is our faith to face any trial and problem with victory. For victory comes by the Holy Spirit keeping His Word in Jesus name, Amen

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