Monday, January 14, 2013

Faith to break the Curse

Faith to break the curse. That is the reason that Jesus came into this world. He was given the earthly name of Jesus which is the Gr. Form of the Heb. Yehoshua which means "Saviour" or "God who is Salvation". He came to break the curse of sin in our lives. The family tree that Jesus was born in was not royal by any means of the word, more like really messed up. Murders, drunkenness, infidelity, perversion of all types. Family deceit and disloyalty, the failures of preachers to kings God doesn't hide anyone's sin, all have sinned and have fallen short of righteousness. Jesus has come to break you from your past. He has come to give you life more abundantly. You do not have to be like your family tree. Break the curse and become free through the blood and death of Jesus the Christ. He who knew no sin took your sin. Be Free. This is our study this week as we continue Faith for Change. We are praying for you and love you. Galatians 5:1 NKJV Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.

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